Saturday, March 12, 2011

Anniversary of The World Girl Scout Organization Founded In 1912

Juliette Gordon Low
Juliette Gordon Low, founder of the World Girl Scout Organization
Some mementos of my Girl Scout days, the Girl Scout pin, & the World pin, are shown above. Below is my highly prized pocket knife, worn each week on my brass clasp belt, being on the ready as our motto stated to
"Be Prepared".

Today is the anniversary of the founding of the World Girl Scout Organization. The Girl Scouts were founded in 1912 by, Juliette Gordon Low a very giving & respected citizen of the British Commonwealth.

Back in my girlhood days, I was a very dedicated Girl Scout, first as a Brownie Scout & later as a Girl Scout. Then years later when I was a young mom home raising our son, in my mid twenties I was a co Brownie Scout Leader for a Troop of at least 25 girls. My co leader & I did this together for two years, planning & enjoying our meetings with our young & impressionable members, two of whom were her daughters.

So many decades later, I continue to enjoy the sense of pride & the memories being a Girl Scout gave to me, & who knows, perhaps this Nana, will be able to once again become involved with a Troop of Brownies, this time for my granddaughter's generation, as she did tell me, "I would like that Nana.", & so would I.

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© Mother Lightning of Mother Lightning's Peace Garden

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