Monday, February 14, 2011

Remembering My Grandfather's Garment District Of- The Lower East Side, NYC

Our grandchildren's Valentines proudly on display.

We had a very busy & lovely weekend with our grandchildren, my motto being- All of the fun & none of the work. Going to the movies to see, Guomeo & Jullet was at the top of our list, & we gave it three, definite thumbs up! So, no matter what anyone of the reviewers might say, this Nana & her two grand kids give it high marks & if you have a chance to see it, believe us when we say, you'll love it!
Over the weekend we all cooked together, & enjoyed the blessings & simple pleasures of learning from one another, & living in the precious moments that weave together these chaptered memories.
This brought me to, today of course, & with no deadlines of having to be here, there or anywhere, it was the perfect afternoon, to listen to my muse-

My Grandfather's Garment District, Honoring A Cloth

To my sons and grandchildren-

I stitch
and weave
a gift in

these thoughts
in a distant place
torn fibers

sixty six degrees
amazing travels
getting there

I patch my jeans, how extreme
the past

so just

the past

strongly reinforced

these moments



So concludes today's inclussion into today's addition of Poetry A Muse In Motion, it is still Valentines Day, & my husband & I have our special plans for dinner this evening.

For those who have yet to find their special someone, or for those who may be in the healing mode from what may have caused a heart to ache- We want you to know that as challenging as this time may be, you will heal, for we know this from having been there our very selves, & having shared these experiences in our human condition.

Wishing * All-- Love & Peace, in regards to yourselves, intentions & interactions with others. There is, as we have learned a true season & purpose, for everything under heaven, no matter where the garden path is. It is all a true certanity as we make our way.



Our son is the drummer for the Boston based band The Bynars, & being today is the date of the release of their new single, I just wanted to be sure it's given a special spot here in the Peace Garden. If you have the time give this link a click, & let The Bynars know what you think...


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