Monday, October 3, 2011

Getting Ready For Yom Kippur, & One's Relationship With Art~

Saturday October 1st, 2011, was the day for me to upgrade & add to some of my essential art supplies. Before leaving the house, I often like to check my emails, or respond to a message, I hadn't yet had the chance to on the previous day. Saturday morning was one of those days, but as we know each day is a new beginning. At this time I'd like to include portions of the note I was inspired to send to my three friends, of our newly formed, most special art group, & addressed simply to, Friends of our Artistic Venture~ & of which I will now share portions-

From 10/01/11 , That Morning's, Thoughts & Musings~

I'm in the midst of reading an article in the 9/26/11 edition of The New Yorker Magazine, it's article by, Janet Malcolm, entitled, "Depth Of Field", about the photographer Thomas Struth. Thomas Struth [T.S.] has a very interesting narrative, the aspect that attracted me to delve in into the article is that T.S. was chosen to do the official portrait of Queen Elizabeth & Prince Phillip for the Queen's 60th Jubilee which will take place in 2012, celebrating her 60 years on the throne. T.S. was born & raised in Germany, thus- interesting personal history growing up post WWII, he said he grew up under a shadow of guilt, & can't remember a time in his life when he didn't know about the war. His father was in the military then, & would recant war stories throughout T.S.'s childhood. [Am still reading the article, it's very long, but extremely interesting.]

I believe his bio. fascinates me, as there is an opposite of parallels there, as my siblings & I, also grew up under a shadow of this war, though different sides of the shadow, nonetheless a very strong & penetrating shadow, which affected generations. .....

The continuation of the sharing of thoughts in regards to this article, & how it relates to myself & my friends-

I bring up T.S. as I now can put into words, what it is I want to learn how to do better with paints, not to necessarily draw any better, or that sort of thing, [he talks about why he went from painting-to-photography, & what he didn't want to do & it made me realise why I wanted to return to painting, & what it is, I do want to do]. I do want to delve into the mixing of colors, & having a better handle on my palate. I still want to paint outside, free in the air, for it's pure inspiration of time & place, to enhance what it is I already love to do with creating a work on canvas, linen or board.

I share this~ for the simple yet complexities that live within each & every one of us. Some folk's family members were affected deeply by what their own families endured, due to the way they coped & acted out in the survival skills of their parents & grandparents, & as they grew to adulthood the loses & fears that they lived through & carried with them due to WWII, & the family narrative of where they were by the time the 1950's & the 60's came along. For a percentage of these Depression WWII era adults, the dye had been cast, & some of course weathered much better, while others went through life with a beautiful veneer & even several masks, only to develop great fears, that became embedded, to become an integral part of them throughout their long years on this earth.

My family too has one of these members, & though we know much of the history & the reasons for this person's personality development, for the individual on the ground, the family members, who try, time & time again, to live their own truth, & to do what's right, sometimes it does seem that never the twain shall meet, for the other person, of who is being considered here, is truly wrapped up in a bondage of so, very long ago, before our generation was even born, & that person has remained angry, & scarred, with episodes of striking out, at the individuals who are to be the nearest & dearest, but are told, due to a non trust before their time, in ways that are most dramatic, that they do not want the help that is being offered.

I relay these thoughts & feelings, here at the Peace Garden, in my own small way, of trying my very best, to remind my own self, that forgiveness is a constant exercise in the life of many, & I am certainly no exception, being only human, I too need to be reminded that the practice of patience, of by being kind to one's self, one does replenish their own well, in their own quest & desire to forgive. Our desire to forgive & to be forgiven, is an important aspect of what makes us truly human, as we continue to take in the experiences of our lives in our collective human condition.

For this reason it has always been the spiritual nature~ of the arts, & nature herself, that has provided me with both in-site, & a sense of peace.
So, I'm off this midday, to better learn about my new oils, & to continue to color my world,to better learn, what it is, in my own nature, that is required of me, to continue to continue....

In my quest for peace, I wish you peace~

Amen, Amen, Amen

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© Mother Lightning of Mother Lightning's Peace Garden

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