Thursday, August 19, 2010

We've Begun A New Chapter For Dolly

Meet Toby, he's the man of the hour. Toby said the wiring will take apx. 2--2 1/2 hrs to put down.
Just some of the tools of the trade during this Invisible Fence project this afternoon.
It's in the high 80's right now in the shade, at least the humidity is down a bit. Pretty soon it will be, "Hello Dolly", once again for training time, as we go through all the paces.

At 3:30pm, the first of the process is complete. Our yard is flagged, I have three CD s to view, the controls to the system were run & are mounted on the wall of my studio. So until next Wednesday when I have my first lesson, it's business as usual in these here hills. Dolly we'll get there, but for now I'll have to find you a treat.
I haven't done any thing yet, & I'm dog gone tired myself!

Nice working with you Toby, thank you.

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