Monday, July 2, 2012

It Beets Just About Everything

The weekend sort of breezed through, literally as we experienced some very powerful storms in this part of the country. They were reported as being micro cells. Yes small atmospheric stuff that causes big problems. Thankfully all went well for our son & our friends who live in those regions. It has been reported that this storm pattern did raise havoc & had caused some extremely tragic results. This is always the sad end of nature's power of which we human beings know is all generated from a true force beyond..
We all do what we can to help one another & cope in our own unique ways to the outward storms & the storms within, as Shakespeare had it right in The Tempest, & King Lear.

I took the opportunity this past Saturday after we spent time that morning in our friend Ken's organic garden & after returning home did some [what for me was exciting] food prep, & of all things I roasted some beets. Have never, ever in my entire life cooked a beet. This adventure was simple, healthy & delicious. After scrubbing these red babes, I gave em a bit of a peel, sliced em up small & thin, drizzled a little olive oil over them, assembled em all on a cookie sheet, sprinkled with sea salt, fresh ground pepper, & for what seemed like forever, had them roast at 375 degrees & voila, the best ever!

Beautiful simply beautiful!

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