From a time before us, to the present here & now...
Creatures, on the desert, or creatures in the sea...
Just one of the numerous ways in which we continue to test life's waters...
And a little imagination goes a long, long way, as it not only amuses, but helps us to continue to think creatively... which is also our ability to problem solve...
As we allow ourselves a good balance of sport & fun...
Perfect, perfect, perfect, yes balance is the key...
Many of us I'm sure can recall a discussion that includes the Riddle of the Sphinx, which goes something like this-
What begins life on all fours
then next goes to two,
and back to all fours...
da, da,... That's us of course humankind, beginning life crawling & exploring our world on all fours, eventually we learn to stand, & next to walk, & many times, end life once again with an inability to walk, therefore the phrase back to all fours...
Strengthening tendons, muscles, & bones in a non gravity atmosphere of a community's pool oasis is an excellent way to rehabilitate from all sorts of orthopedic mishaps & injuries. Swimming is also an excellent activity for many individuals with respiratory problems such as asthma, as the basic fundamentals of swimming allows the body get into a natural & healthy breathing rhythm.
So if this sounds right for you, check it out with your doctor, or health care provider to see what their take would be, as it may very well offer a whole new opportunity of enhanced well being, & if you don't know how to swim, no matter your age, the Red Cross offers swimming lessons to people of all ages, in most communities.
Today, I was finally able to match my schedule with that of our local community pool. I went the other evening, but there was a schedule change, so that was a disappointing "no go", but this morning despite the showers & all, I seized upon the day, which was a good decision as the exercises, walking & swimming I was able to accomplish in the water felt so very beneficial. My goodness, no Sphinx to ponder just then, just the clear blue nature & fluidity of good ole; H2O all very peaceful, clear, healing & just, so right.
If I could I'd invite you to join me, but for now, check out the hours of your favorite swimming location, & I'm sure once you test the waters too, it will all feel, just right for you too, of which I certainly hope so.
Today's posting will end with a bit of an additional post script-
As my family, & Peace Garden friends know, it was on May 8th of this year that I took that unforgettable tumble off my bike on the paved cycling path in Rhode Island. My recovery & healing from the ordeal has been slow & steady. These types of incidents tend to replay themselves in the mind of the participant, staying actively involved in my recovery is an essential aspect on this journey, of which I am trying to be very careful as to not to kvetch myself into a corner, but to get out there, staying involved with family & friends, & using this time as a necessary opportunity to even clean up my diet, by eliminating, dessert type baked goods, as a major first step before the measured caloric intake mode is to be put in place. So in the long run, I have once again become wiser in readjusting my future cycling skills, as to not follow too closely, & to also make time for some long over due reading, such as some of the works by our dear friend Leo; Leo Tolstoy, of which I must click off this computer soon, as I'm almost done with his novella, A Landowner's Morning, & would so like to finish it, before this day is through.
Enjoy your gardens, & the beauty of what springtime brings, it's been a cold wet one here, so wherever you may be, if you're able to make the time, take out an older classic, or a modern one if you so choose, & enjoy the peacefulness of your oasis, as the waters that we sit by, swim & play in, return us to, whence we first came, the oceans & sea of life.
My physical therapy processes has gone from land-gravity mode, to aqua anti-gravity mode, it has all been helpful & it will all take patience, time & determination, but that is what is intended, swimmingly & real on a molecular level, as always.
If per chance you too are fascinated by the origins of The Riddle of the Sphinx, go to-
for a really good explanation of this ancient, & mysterious legend.
Please feel free to share this link http://thepeacegarden.blogspot.com/
© Mother Lightning of Mother Lightning's Peace Garden
1 comment:
Excellent Read my Friend. You are using this "Down Time" in your Life so Constructively and that's so Good for your Body and Mind...Eating Healthy is hard to do, especially when it comes to SWEETS. My weakness too. But in moderation Everything is doable! LOL, b. Malin
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