Saturday, May 15, 2010

A New Chapter, & New Beginnings--

The 27th of this month, I will be leaving a job that I worked at for nearly ten years. I've been working approximately 22 hours a week, at a college preparatory school that specializes in developing character in high risk youth. This job has been very interesting, rewarding & a very important part of my life for nearly a decade, but it is now time, to allow myself the opportunity to complete & develop important projects that have been on the back burner of my life for some time now. Change is never easy, & I will miss seeing my coworker friends I have made, the students & their families, that I have enjoyed helping, & the challenges & problem solving skills that have been necessary to draw upon in order to do a job, that was never, ever touched upon some 40+ years ago when I was in Nursing School, as the families & the youth of today are being faced with challenges that were only touched upon when my generation was growing up:

As the waters & the creatures of the Gulf Coast must adapt & hopefully evolve, we too as human beings, need to be certain to allow our voices, to be heard, no matter the tide, or the rush of the waves, which can become quite loud & murky, & have been known to drown out-- reason, & common sense. To think before we speak, & act, & to care, not only about ourselves, but for the innocents who cannot speak for themselves.

It does take courage, but we've made this mess, drop, by drop, leak by leak, spill by spill. Our poor, belaboured Mother Earth, where she goes, we go....

{The above photo was taken off the cost of Rhode Island, this winged friend of Jonathon Livingston, of whom we each had an eye on one another, so enjoyed the sea, blue skies & all we were fortunate to take in on that beautiful summer's day.}

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