Wednesday, January 14, 2009

*Living A Life In 2009...

So much has gotten done yet still much to do, as we are only into the 14th day of this New Year. "Time will continue to fly", that is it's nature.....

Would it make much sense to do a "One Day In The Life" here? Probably not, as we live an ordinary life here on our Sunny Slope, [when the sun decides to come out that is], yet we do know, & continue to meet & become friends with some rather extra ordinary individuals, some of these special people have become our finest teachers & our greatest friends over the years.   So some days more than others, which may present a challenge or two, for the various layered reasons that make us all the unique individuals that we've become--  as I said, some days more than others do present their challenges.  As much as a speck that we all are in the universal scheme of things & all, no matter what, we all take with us in life an accumulation of all of our human experiences & we therefore at times must continue to overcome what we were--  to who we are meant to authentically be.  "To be or not to be..." that is always a pertinent question.  No one I believe has all the answers all the times.  "You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time."  Lincoln certainly knew how to pose it, & now all we can continue to do is attempt to do our very best-- "As we continue to continue...."

A continued Healthy & Happy New Year to you all, & may you too continue to continue--  To have the strength to stand up to meet your personal tests & challenges in this New Year.  We each of course have our personal take on things, I for one am probably more like the Fonzy Bear with my silly sense of humor, but no matter, laughter still remains one of the best medicines, & no matter the dilemmas that can face a person, a sense of humor along the way does lighten the heart, along with a good exercise routine-- one foot in front of the other. Human being's minds are meant to dance in the sun light, in the star light & in the moon light, it just feels right to experience the vast, vast sky.  

This New Year I have been asked to be Chairman/person of our Town's Conservation Commission.  I have been a member of our Conservation Commission for a number of years & I see myself as an "idea" & an "artistic" person, who is very passionately committed to the conservation of our environment.  After several rather challenging dream full nights & mulling the idea of this over & over in my mind & heart I decided to accept.  For my children & my grandchildren I decided to accept this very special honor of trust & with it it's awesome responsibility that goes with this position, as this is a wonderful commission of dedicated & hard working people from all walks of life, they are all very interesting & a pleasure to work with.  My very first experience of being involved in the environmental/conservation movement was as far back as the 1950's, it was then when many of us pledged the  "Girl Scout Promise" for the first time--  "I promise to do my best.  To love/respect God & my Country.  To help other people at all times & to obey the Girl Scout Laws"-- is pretty much how I remember it, it may not be word for word of course, but pretty close I'm sure.  So now of course the hard work begins, of staying on top of the tasks that have been put together in order to be effective in preserving our quaint beautiful town for generations to come.  "Think global, act local,
                                          Act local, think global..."

It never, ever goes out of style, no matter the century, including the prayers & hopes of peace. 


1 comment:

Michelle said...

The Conservation Commission is lucky to have you! You add so much to all you touch. I've missed your updates!