Hope your Thanksgiving day was a good one. Our small family gathering of eight, from four generations was "just right", truly- & "talking turkey", is what we did. My Aunt called from Florida early in the afternoon, during our "what color table cloth", discussion, of-- "ivory or burgundy"? Burgundy won out, & it was the right color for the day. It was really great to talk to my Aunt "R", sharing our updates, including the topic of her mother's/my grandmother's Rugulla cookies.
My brother called late in the afternoon with holiday wishes, & our son called too. Our son and his "gf" traveled to Nebraska to be with her relatives for this holiday. He updated us on their airport experience, which he said was good, which of course we were very glad to hear. They are going to the; Nebraska vs Colorado football game today. So I requested a photo or two of an interesting, or goofy looking team mascot. He said they'd try. So if they send me a good pic, perhaps I'll be able to find a way to share it with the Peace Garden.
The day certainly generated a lot of work, but I've learned to pace myself. Ultimately the goal is to enjoy the time we have with one another. Nothing more, & nothing less will ever do in that department. Always toasting our hopes & prayers for what has past, what we are, & have, & for the future. Forever remembering & honoring those who have helped to bring us to this place, the family & friends that were given to us, by God's Grace. The every day miracles, that present themselves to us, moment, by moment, on holidays & ordinary days, they are truly, extraordinary.
Living a life, here in our beautiful & diverse country is a true blessing. Certainly there is room for improvement, of which we'll never stop working towards, as that is what keeps democracy healthy & well. If we don't "use it, we'll loose it". No matter how different our opinions are from one another, discussion, & the sharing of ideas, will always help to create better understanding, & with that, "all things are possible".
Please help us God.
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