How many of us today, see a glimpse of ourselves in the above portrait displayed, by the Chicago Art Institute?
There was a time in our society when we, the woman of our American culture were very much put in our place. Now are place is wherever we choose to make it, & those of us not born of the silver spoon, due to many a determined & brave foremother who held a vision, have enabled many generations, to truly be "all that we can be".
It seems since my young childhood days, there has always been that inner conflict in regards to how I was raised & domesticated, as the only girl, the eldest, in a family which included two sons. So just about every year, when we enter that long stretch in the holiday season, it does
take a good bit of effort to get my engine stoked, to the point that I really am chugging along & getting a lot done. I really do enjoy the planning, cooking & baking. It's my own imposed stubbornness in getting organized enough to really get into the cleaning prep aspect of it all.
I know, just grow up, & just "do it". Ok, I think I get it. It's time to put a stop to this ridiculous saga. Or as my father would say-- "enough already".
He's right of course, the only limitations that are put upon us are the ones we choose to accept. Being all that we can be, in part is about making well thought out decisions, & living in the moments given to us each & every day. Caring well for ourselves, & others, & our helping to create & share mutually good memories- as our beloved, Maya Angelou has been known to allude.
So if it means I wrangle with those old childhood issues when a massive holiday season is embarking, so be it. Those former domestic issues, are just that, shadows of my former self. Making & sharing homemade applesauce will always be far superior to any out of a jar.
Eve's apple, so very beautiful- tasty, tart, sweet, & versatile- "being all that it can be", & so much more.
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