There she is again, awaiting her "freedom", for life squared is boring.....

Monday, Monday, full of new beginnings. Today the person from the Invisible Fence company is coming for a visit. We need to provide much more freedom for Dolly here on the Slope, as she spends a lot of time, [2 to the 2nd power], or as my father might say, {"squared"}. For a dog with a lot of energy, matched with moi' of far less energy. Something of a positive nature needs to be done. We gave her a bit of free time on the deck yesterday while my husband was busy Bar-B-Q ing some chicken for us. Dolly got some choice morsels too, but when we were not looking she chewed a hole in the new vinyl Bar-B-Q cover. Perhaps delicious for her, unpleasant for us!
Monday, Monday, full of new beginnings. Today the person from the Invisible Fence company is coming for a visit. We need to provide much more freedom for Dolly here on the Slope, as she spends a lot of time, [2 to the 2nd power], or as my father might say, {"squared"}. For a dog with a lot of energy, matched with moi' of far less energy. Something of a positive nature needs to be done. We gave her a bit of free time on the deck yesterday while my husband was busy Bar-B-Q ing some chicken for us. Dolly got some choice morsels too, but when we were not looking she chewed a hole in the new vinyl Bar-B-Q cover. Perhaps delicious for her, unpleasant for us!
So we'll see. My rescue puppy project has been a bit on the mucho dinaro side, not quite a bargain, but very sweet & with a good loving heart, which counts for a lot. The ongoing cost at this stage, of pet ownership in these here hills is a challenge though. At least we should be able to put an end to the escape adventures, & our future visits to our neighbors can then be scheduled in a more relaxing way.
There was a TV program on in the 50's that so many of us enjoyed it was called "My Little Margie". I now have my own adventures with "My Little Dingo". Well it's time to put her out in her fenced in condo/igloo area, we especially like it when she's up on her roof relaxing. My husband just the other day, took down some of the overgrowth, now we can see her "Up On The Roof", even better. Just like the song....
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