In the photo below the gal you see leading Dolly out of our cellar doorway, is Lindsey, one of the trainers from the Canine Fence Co. Linsey is giving Dolly & I a Visible lesson. We had our Invisible lesson on the previous day, with Susie, who is due back this coming Thursday. All in all, it's been a very busy week for Dolly & I, but most productive nonetheless.

Here There, & Seemingly Everywhere
It's been quite the week. I had one "Invisible" lesson, then a visit out of town, to visit with my grandchildren. Together the three of us saw the movie, "Nanny McPhee Returns", which was surprisingly, excellent! Dolly & I had another lesson, this one Visible, & last but not least a visit again, with the fam*, to celebrate our grandson's 8th Birthday! Subway was his choice, which was fun, as he got to choose all his favorite ingredients. After having lunch together, it was next door for a game of Miniature Golf. Yes, he did win, but it was fair & square due to an incredible hole in one, that he accomplished, which helped to make this Birthday even more special then we could have anticipated. My take on being a grandmother is that it's an incredible experience, all that love & nurturing you've given your own children, unfolding & overflowing to the next generation. Emerging new people & their personalities, & new experiences, all renewed. * "Life is a circle, love is the soul......" [From a modern day Jewish folk song, & oh so very true.]
Dolly's making progress, it is a commitment, of which I feel certain we will succeed in. She definitely has a lot more energy than I bargained for when I adopted her. The puppy adoption folks were supposed to match me up with an easy going, laid back type of dog. Instead I now have this incredibly energetic, very sweet, hound dog. She only barks when she's lonely for our company, that's it. Cars go up & down the driveway, & Dolly could care less. At least she's been able to save my garden from the deer, that's a good thing, but she's still too wild to play with my grandchildren, which is a disappointment. I do think in time, she will calm down. It's just that she's been living her life "squared" & really, who could live like that & be calm & relaxed enough to be with others. We are making progress. Good thing she has a turtle for a surrogate mom. We're going slow & steady, & no one has to really win, just to continue to progress. I love you Dolly, & I'm giving you every chance to keep you here with us, as--- "I know we can make it, I know darn well...."
Also, I've been on "facebook" now for just a few weeks. I'll give it a little time, but I can see how it can become quite a-- time consuming sponge, especially for people like me, "oye, or better yet, "Time will tell.". I'll let you know, as it's still all new to me, but I will have to rein it in, already. This much I do know. Coffee, sweets, & maybe a bit too much time on the computer for me can be a real, problemo. Addictions come in all shapes, sizes & forms, all of mine our legal, it's just a matter of how do I want to allocate my time. Goal-- Not being a slave to any. Ok, I've put on the safety breaks a wee bit here, for more time, in real time, which is much better, for my overall good health.
Now to practice Dolly's & my lesson. Our success is only a mere bark away.....
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