This beautiful "Healing Garden", as it is called is, is located in the Berkshire Botanical Garden, Lenox Ma.

This summer's been flying by, as true as the statement of old, "time flies".
The matter of organizing & creating order for this Gemini has always been a challenge. One aspect of my personality needs & craves in depth socialization, while the other aspect craves solitude in order to create. Sometimes there's a really fine balance & at others not so. I think for now, it's necessary to reel it in a bit, as seasonal allergy complications pretty much has spoken. Artistically my need to write, paint & create texture in my life is a priority. Besides the Jewish New Year of Rosh Hashanah is fast approaching & it is, at the time of our special holidays, that I think about my family roots. This time of year always reminds me, of how very special we all are, to one another. We literally live across this great country, from coast to coast.
For the Chanukah/Christmas holiday of this past winter my husband gave me a mixer with dough hooks. This is something I had wanted for so many years, [but I don't bake nearly as much as I used to, due to poor intake control on my part, of which I can be so very bad]. I had wanted the mixer in order to make my grandmother's ruggula, as the dough part makes the project a bit labor intensive. Every so many years I enjoy sharing my grandmother's recipe of which I've named-- "Grandma Anna's Newly Twisted Coney Island Ruggula", with our extended family. I pack it all up, & send it out in hopes it arrives before an expiration date, retaining it's flavors to enjoy. It's a very simple Russian Jewish recipe, with all it's scents & wonderful flavors to savor, unlocking stories of generations far beyond our shores. Between each packed layer of ruggula is the love & remembrance of traditions, & also new ones, that has sustained us to this day.
It certainly gets hot & humid here this time of year, but we do have ways of cooling the house down for a baking project. As we go from summertime into autumn, I will do so with thoughts of my grandmother Anna, the original family story teller, who's unconditional love, continues to live on, & helps to sustain so many of us, in our extended family.
{Above was a delicious batch from my grandmother's ruggula recipe. Time to make them again, & off to "snail mail" they will go, for something sweet to add to the season our roots.}