Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Woman Within Ourselves, What Is Our Ideal--

This is such a hugh topic, & I will only scratch the surface of it for now, but besides our always being judged from the outside, of what of ourselves is viewed by the world, we also are most critical of our own selves too. It all does become rather complicated.

It all began so very long ago, & the products in the marketplace prove it, from corsets to girdles, makeup, & skincare, hair care & styles, to ideal weights & fashion, it just goes on, & on & on... Women have been exploited it seems from the beginning of time in that once famous Garden. In many regards it must have gotten better for each generation, after the last, but as we can see some of the same problems of exploitation still exist, & as time has past, some of these problems have really crystallized into real health concerns, such as life threatening eating disorders, & the plastic surgery sell with it's various tucks, lifts, & lipos & other addictive disorders & procedures. Women of course aren't the only ones to fall prey to this, but our gender does head the list on some of these topics, as Hollywood continues to do it's hard sell.

Glass ceilings are being shattered, day, by day, year by year, but it's what goes on in the home that adds up, & depending on where any individual gal was raised, & where the power or non power structure was positioned in that home, it is that, that will have a lot to do with her choices & the eventual outcomes.

We all walk a path, some more windy & storm ridden then others depending on much that was initially out of a person's control. As we heal ourselves, we in turn help to heal the world, that is a biological role deemed to us as early as our embryonic development shift. The pure fact that our gender brings forth life, has made it so. These are certainly modern times, & women have the opportunities for far more choices, than what was biologically bestowed upon us originally, but it is important to note, that the far reaching legend of a Mother Earth, has innumerable truths to continue to heed, & to take care of, in this our present time.

{To think it's the continual delima of my life in relationship to my hair, that has provoked me to write down these thoughts, the joys of oyes & to this, "They own self be true.", but ultimately I must give credit to Rebecca Newberger Goldstein, of who's book I am still reading-- "36 Arguments For The Existence Of God", for the inspiration of some of these deeper thoughts, in my reflections & reviews, of the lifetimes instilled.}

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