Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Grandchildren Are Something Special*

Today was another beautiful day with less wind. I spent a good part of the afternoon with my six year old granddaughter, we had lunch together & did a bit of fun time shopping of which we got some rawhide toys for Dolly & a coloring book each for her & her seven year old brother. After that it was time to pick up my grandson, & then we all headed back to their house for an afternoon snack, & a game of "Candy Land", one of our favorites. On my way back home it was necessary to replenish Dolly's food, so now we're all set again for tomorrow morning. Hope you like this variety Dolly, it sounds tasty, as it has some of the omegas, for your skin & fur, & being it was a cold harsh winter out here, this should help.

Time does fly, as we continue to make headway towards spring.


{*Post Script Of The Day-- Being yesterday was, "International Woman's Day" & March is, Woman's History Month-- a thought just came to mind; As I mentioned in today's title, yes of course grandchildren are special, & we are so very blessed to be living in these times & moments. To think in this fresh new century every girl & boy can not only dream of, but can be president, no more glass ceilings in that department. I have a button which is a reproduction from the Suffragette Era that states "Votes For Women", we have certainly come a long, long way, all of us babies!

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