There have been far too many acts of violence committed by human beings against one another. The recent massacre in Charleston, South Carolina when nine individual lives were brutally, & suddenly taken is a tragic reminder that we all have a long way to go in creating a peaceful world. It is acknowledged that our specie though at the top of the food chain are the most violent. Change must start at the beginning, in the home, the community, & the country we each reside in.
I was inspired by hearing the eulogy President Barack Obama shared at the funeral of Reverend Clementa Pinckeney. President Obama did not shy away from addressing the topic of guns & race relations in the United States. He referred to our history of slavery being the original sin of our country. The president went on to say we are "not to go forward with business as usual" in these matters. He ended his touching & relevant eulogy by singing Amazing Grace.
I am concluding today's entry in a plain & simple manner, forever with hope in working towards ending~ racism, gun & domestic violence, human trafficking, continuing to uphold gender equality, & to work at preventing & ending all wars...
It is a seemingly endless list.. but the choice is ours- to be or not to be. What is the question?
The above photo is in it's early draft form. It will eventually become a banner & also a flyer to promote the message of good will in our community at large. The purpose as always on this peace garden site is to make art not war.
Please feel free to share this link http://thepeacegarden.
© Mother Lightning of Mother Lightning's Peace Garden