That's me all bundled up during our January visit to MOMA .
The Museum Of Modern Art in NYC in many ways feels like my warm & comforting grandma, Grandma Anna. After all I was born in the Bronx, & it's good to be home.
The Museum Of Modern Art in NYC in many ways feels like my warm & comforting grandma, Grandma Anna. After all I was born in the Bronx, & it's good to be home.
The sculpture garden at MOMA is always a treat. It may have been raw out, but nothing ever gets in the way of our enjoyment each & every time.
In video & photography an image can break up into particle-like images. Pixelated. My cell phone's camera is no exception &, a photograph may not transpose as intended. Nonetheless it's food for thought on this wintry day-
The intention of this Peace Garden blog is for maintaining a space that ponders what it means to be human in our complex world. A one woman's quest for peace in the heart &, our world at large. Since the Peace Garden's inception in 2007, it has been a labor of love. At times not easy due to my own challenges which we all have enmeshed in our human condition. We are not only dreamers, but weavers. Taking our past experiences with the work necessary, & turning some of these painful situations, each minute fiber in the life of who we are, turning them out one by one into beautifully refined textured points in our own life's collage. There have been long periods in 2014, & the beginning of this year that barely a thread has been woven posted. We are all much more than anyone ever sees, of what we project. Our souls run deep...
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