Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Springtime Carried In By The Wind

This was my early evening walk... , I decided rather than watching the evening news, which is almost always certain to be disturbing, to be in communion with nature which would prove to be a far healthier choice...
These gentle, gentle blossoms & hints of what's to come never, ever disappoints...
All in good time...
As one stone, put down at a time can tell...
These exotic orangery flowers are of the quince, a birthday gift many years ago, from a dear friend who taught me the pleasures, & charm of what a garden can truly bring...
Daffodils arrive early on, & bring with them trumpets of color announcing to the world that there's no going back, spring has finally arrived!

I don't know about you, but the enormous amount of simple beauty that surrounds us each & every springtime, is truly beyond any description. It does fill my heart always, with the possibality of hope that for me, only nature provides. It roots me, & reminds me that I am a native to my land, & aren't we all. It is all so simple, yet we all know the song, for we can certainly make it far more complicated then it needs to be.

"To be or not to be.... ", that will forever be, one of our major questions... , as "time will tell"...

So as we log out for the day, just a gentle garden lovers request- Enjoy this springtime, as it blows in ever so quickly, & leaves us with barely a rustle, only to make us wait long & hard, for yet another year. We wish you all many a spring time & also peace, a true, true, peace.



Today is the 25th Anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident. We honor & remember those who were sacrificed, passed on, & suffered due to this man made technological disaster. There is no peaceful atom when the atom is split, as we continue to not only pray, but to educate too.

Please feel free to share this link http://thepeacegarden.blogspot.com/
© Mother Lightning of Mother Lightning's Peace Garden

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