Tuesday, February 8, 2011

It Seems We Might As Well Be On The Moon-

At around 2:00am, & still unable to sleep, perhaps a moonwalk...
The plant above is a blueberry bush, but by springtime, we're not quite sure what it will be due to this other worldly terrain...

Thus day is done, & day has also begun, here in the wintry Peace Garden, & spring really can't come too soon. What about you?

Please feel free to share this link thepeacegarden.blogspot.com
© by Mother Lightning of Mother Lightning's Peace Garden

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The first picture looks like you've created a Face...I like it! It's amazing how creative we can be late at night when sleep won't come...Blueberry bush is interesting too...those shots almost look black and white. Thanks for sharing. LOL. b. Malin