Saturday, January 29, 2011

Snowbound By Choice & In Good Company With The New Yorker Magazine

This morning my husband went out of town to help our son with his ongoing kitchen remodeling project. After a bit of blogging this morning I decided that I just wasn't up for the 45 minute commute each way, on snowy secondary roads another day in a row. We went out last night for dinner & a movie, managed quite well with the traveling, but I wasn't skied to do it again. A road warrior, I am not.

So after a little of this, & a little of that, it was a good afternoon to catch up on some reading. The New Yorker Magazine is always a good one of choice. I especially like the fiction, as the caliber of short story writers are always excellent. Eventually I do take a stab at the articles of realisms, a true to life bit of reporting or an interview. What surprised me this afternoon was the article in The Current Cinema section in the 1/10/11 issue titled, Look Again "Shoah" and a new view of history., on pg. 80, by David Denby.

What caught my imagination was the historic message that was put forth. From reading this two page article, I now better understand, an aspect of the makeup of both of my parents, & their mind sets after WWII , & living in this society after their generation had to be forced to come to terms with a genocide so horrible that they each carried it around with them in their minds & hearts. Though neither one of my parents lost any direct family members to it, nonetheless these gray feeling so permeated their lives, which therefore transferred it's self to the very makeup of a next generation Jewish family.

I was only 8 years old or so when I first began to read articles about the Holocaust. My entire extended family are original New Yorkers & every Sunday we had the New York Times Newspaper in our midst. I was one of those kid's that would read whatever was out there, so to devour the beautifully colorful New York Times Magazine or Book Review section, on any given Sunday was per the usual for moi. It was on one of those Sundays when I read a review of a then recent book about Treblinka, as our parents hid practically nothing. Since then I have tried very hard to avoid reading such articles, as man's inhumanity to man, never it seems ceases. In no way would I call myself an ostrich, as I have a pretty good sense of the news of the day, local & global, but I can only take measured doses, for I know it's tragically truth being told.

I am so very thankful that I took the time to read David Denby's recent article. The truth does set us free. I now have an even clearer glimmering & understanding of my parents. Henceforth from my parents to myself, my goodness gracious, it is all making perfect sense.

"Come together, right now, over me...." The Beatles

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© by Mother Lightning of Mother Lightning's Peace Garden

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