A view of Mashamoquet Brook, which empties into the Quinebaug River.
My favorite skier, breaking new tracks...
Protected open space, on the property of our Audubon Center.
This sky, though we could note the storm clouds, only added to the range of beauty on this January day.
The tracks below, heading for the abandoned foundation on the right, a critter looking for shelter or to hunt perhaps...
Blue skies today, but I won't kid myself we can still see the stormy ones nestled in. Anyone who has weathered any day in their life truly knows, that though one day is beautiful, it does take the rain, storm & cloudy gloom to bring on the beauty & it's magnificence. Yes that symbiotic relationship in nature.
Here in New England we know this quite well, but so does practically ever one on this planet, for weather is just that, weather. Good or bad, sunny or not, there are no control factors. When it's gorgeous, with those indescribable blue skies, we, just like any creature on this planet, just love to, delve in.
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© by Mother Lightning of Mother Lightning's Peace Garden