Why write a poem a day anyway, you may ask. I at times ask myself the same question too. I'd be kidding myself to say, well it's my 21st century Leaves Of Grass, no Walt Whitman am I. Can I stop & end all wars by writing poetry? Well we all know the answer to that one. Too bad it wasn't all that simple. Nonetheless, a poem a day still is a good thing, even though I do know that some of my poems will be better than others. Thoughts are only thoughts, they come, & they go, all set to their own rhythms & times. So as I end this day, having done what I was intended to do, let's see what tomorrow brings in the world of poetry...
For now, 'tis the season...
& Here it is the next day, 12/23/10, & this little ditty just popped in to help get me through as
Poetry A Muse In Motion, travels on-
Our halls are decked
So come what may
With food to prep
For Christmas day,
So when they come
From different points
Our house will bulge inside,
For all the miles we've traveled to
We meet in hearts and mind
Ho, Ho, Ho- everybody, it's almost chimney time!
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