This is a typical path, the way of traveling through Fern Canyon, which is shown above. Below is a view of the canyon, this opening is the way people travel through, with the walls showing dominantly on both sides, & with a glimmer of the sky shown towards the left.

One of our side trips here on the North Coast was to a location called Fern Canyon. Some of the locals told us that it was the site of some of the filming of Jurassic Park. The trip started , driving eight miles on a twisting, turning, dirt road into the forest towards the sea. A ranger told us that we would cross two streams on our way in, and that the trail to Fern Canyon was a little hard to find. We had two more miles to get there when we reached the first stream, but there was no bridge, you had to drive through it. It was not too deep, but my traveling partner, "The Turtle" was a little apprehensive (understatement here). I was pysched. As it was her decision for this excursion, I had the upper hand,,,,,,forward. After another exciting stream crossing we arrived at the location of the trail. The trail turned out to be the shallow river that cut through a 100 foot high canyon covered with many different varieties of ferns, moss, and back dropped by Redwoods. People had thrown logs and branches across the stream in places, so that you could attempt to keep your feet dry. I found a couple of broken branches and made two walking sticks,,,,,,we continued up the stream. If you saw the movie, Jurassic Park, you did not have to work your imagination hard to see a Raptor peering through the ferns. The canyon narrowed, and the going got tougher, still the Turtle wanted more. But finally both of us thought we had seen enough, plus there was no real destination, except a breakthrough to a view of the ocean. The Turtle did well going back, lots of logs to tip toe on. With literally one step to dry land and the trail back to the car...........a slip, a near fall, and a wet foot with a strawberry on the ankle. We went to a pool near the trail and soaked the foot for awhile. Anyone who knows the Turtle would be surprised and amazed at the gung-ho attitude during and after our adventure. It was not hard to imagine the film crews and equipment crawling all over this was primal land, the ferns were eight feet tall, moss hung from the trees, and the sun hardly penetrated to the ground. At times the mist swept over from the sea and made old Redwood stumps look like prehistoric dinosaurs. It is a magical site, I can see why Speilberg used it. The road in and out were perfect for the jungle scenes in the movie. All in all, it was quite an afternoon........oh yeah the Turtle is fine, just a bruise.
Photos in today's posting are provided by, "The Turtle"
One of our side trips here on the North Coast was to a location called Fern Canyon. Some of the locals told us that it was the site of some of the filming of Jurassic Park. The trip started , driving eight miles on a twisting, turning, dirt road into the forest towards the sea. A ranger told us that we would cross two streams on our way in, and that the trail to Fern Canyon was a little hard to find. We had two more miles to get there when we reached the first stream, but there was no bridge, you had to drive through it. It was not too deep, but my traveling partner, "The Turtle" was a little apprehensive (understatement here). I was pysched. As it was her decision for this excursion, I had the upper hand,,,,,,forward. After another exciting stream crossing we arrived at the location of the trail. The trail turned out to be the shallow river that cut through a 100 foot high canyon covered with many different varieties of ferns, moss, and back dropped by Redwoods. People had thrown logs and branches across the stream in places, so that you could attempt to keep your feet dry. I found a couple of broken branches and made two walking sticks,,,,,,we continued up the stream. If you saw the movie, Jurassic Park, you did not have to work your imagination hard to see a Raptor peering through the ferns. The canyon narrowed, and the going got tougher, still the Turtle wanted more. But finally both of us thought we had seen enough, plus there was no real destination, except a breakthrough to a view of the ocean. The Turtle did well going back, lots of logs to tip toe on. With literally one step to dry land and the trail back to the car...........a slip, a near fall, and a wet foot with a strawberry on the ankle. We went to a pool near the trail and soaked the foot for awhile. Anyone who knows the Turtle would be surprised and amazed at the gung-ho attitude during and after our adventure. It was not hard to imagine the film crews and equipment crawling all over this was primal land, the ferns were eight feet tall, moss hung from the trees, and the sun hardly penetrated to the ground. At times the mist swept over from the sea and made old Redwood stumps look like prehistoric dinosaurs. It is a magical site, I can see why Speilberg used it. The road in and out were perfect for the jungle scenes in the movie. All in all, it was quite an afternoon........oh yeah the Turtle is fine, just a bruise.
Submitted by, "The Otter"
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