In any one's life sometimes we just have to take care of, some of that S/stuff, it's never pleasant, but necessary, besides on a scale of tasks humans have to do, it's downright normal & important. Here's a minor, yet all too annoying one in that category, of definitive lines:
I was out cleaning Dolly's kennel late this afternoon, & all I can say is, there certainly was a lot of the stuff. As the weather goes, the snow only covers it up for so long, & then nature does her thing & it begins to get; downright dirty, ugly, stinky & unhealthy, but isn't that life too at times.....
Sometimes it seems a problemo repeatedly crops up, different circumstances & characters, but all the same the essence of what had made the problem a problem, the essence of the issue is there as plain as the nose on one's face, & if the inner conflict, of what makes this conflict reappear, if not resolved, keeps repeating.
So with that said & done, the path some of us landlubbers walk does get involved, for sometimes when another steps a bit too closely & there they are, on the other's foot. Not necessarily a bad thing, for it usually happens by accident, but if it becomes a repeated occurrence by the said same person, then truly it is up to the individual who's extremity is getting a bit messed up in the process, to say something, so the other knows that the steps they are taking, are causing the other harm. For some, this is an extremely difficult & challenging task, the landlubber setting boundaries.
There are pleasant & respectful ways to express to another just how we feel in given situations, for if we allow another to repeatedly violate this sanctity, then we are doing an injustice to the very essence of who we are. These are never easy life lessons, a bit like cleaning up the mess in the dog pen, but essential for a pleasant, clean & healthy environment, for a healthy life. The phrase, "this is gonna hurt me, more than it hurts you", when raising a family comes to mind, for out in the vast world at large, adults, are just plain people. People of a larger size, playing out their assigned roles in the pecking order of the families in which they were cast. In a sense, we are all children, still learning, still growing, as some lessons are harder than others to sink in. It's taken a lifetime, but I remain grateful, as opportunities to learn & grow come from various environments, & creative thinking on matters such as these, though painful at the time, ultimately, the benefit of growth, so out weighs a little annoyance of cleaning up.
Practice of course does not make perfect, but will make things better, & if some of us, become overly concerned that in the process of speaking up, in order to get some relief from the encroachment of an individual, who may not realize they are steping on an other's foot, then I must remind myself when this happens again, for it will, for we are only human, that it is a task that is no less important then cleaning up a beloved pet's dirty kennel. And if we address it early on, the project will no longer feel messy, but wholly the right thing to do for all involved. We all want, deserve & need, a clean & healthy environment, & feelings like the tides-- come, go & ebb, creating & maintaining, the peace within. God I believe has given us our nature, & when we listen to it, we respect it. To be fully human is an ongoing process, "So help me God." , as we do need God's help, as we walk this earth & beyond.
*Post Script: 2/16/10 } Just yesterday I was going through my emails, some of it more interesting than others. The radio program Democracy Now, which broadcasts from 91.7 FM, an excellent source of alternative news & information. I could not believe it when I read the enclosed program transcript, as one of the topics of the day was the "body/mind/ connection", dealing primarily with individuals who have a hard time saying "no", who want to be seen as "nice", but the heavy duty price the individuals have paid, when they allow this situation to go unchecked, such an ongoing health problem in our society. If this is a topic that interests you, just go to: gabor_mat_when_the_body
To those of us that have this challenge, we just need to stay aware & to keep working on it. The up side is that with this awareness we can choose to not teach this to our children & grandchildren & if we have this situation in bedded in us, well then a first step is to explain to the people we love & care about that we are working very hard to change this, & they need not be of this elk, that they need to be fair & true with themselves. We teach this reform because we love them, & they need not carry this aspect, for their own good heath. I do believe that this topic would be a King Solomon lesson, if this was his time.
I do not have the talent to cut & paste yet, so of course this is not a link, but if you type it in you should find the interview with the Canadian physician Dr. Garbor, who has researched this & other topics, & is a know & respected author.
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