Monday, January 25, 2010

On This Blustery Day In January*

Our new book related venture "Dear Lester & Louise" [] has been getting wonderful support by friends & family alike. Which made last week artistically productive & it feels just right!

This is the week of my husband's birthday, so we plan on doing fun stuff here & there as the week progresses. We had intended to go out for a fish dinner tonight, but due to gale force winds, that plan got switched to watching our net flicks DVD from the John Adams series, until we loose our power. It's been interesting learning in depth information about John, Abigail & their family. So went the nation, to now....

Today started out with Conservation Commission work of the New Year. It is very purposeful, time consuming & detailed in nature. As we think global & act local, every little bit helps. Time management & balance is the key, as we do the best, that we can.

Thy will be done.

{So far we still have our power & no need as of yet to hook up the generator, which is good.}

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