A Norman Rockwell tapestry, inspired from his famous painting that was on the cover of the Saturday Evening Post from decades ago, respecting all religious faiths, with prayers of peace for the world.
The words woven into this tapestry state, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." This statement has been known as "The Golden Rule", from a time as far back as Aristotle.
Gift of this tapestry was given to the UN by Nancy Reagan.
* Speaking of gifts: At this special time of thanks, I would like to say a special thank you to my husband of these ongoing, 39+ years, he has always, most patiently helped me to access my dreams, supporting me during my ole radio days of "Mother Lightning's Oracle", which was a regularly featured program on WHUS 91.7 FM, in the mid '70's. My other program was, "Bed Time Stories" featuring, nonviolent & nonsexist stories for children of all ages. My husband continues to support & encourage, this ongoing dream of mine, to have a collection of children's literature published, as this has been in my heart of all dreams since the age of 7, & goes back to my early childhood's love of poetry & storytelling. Robert Lovis Stevenson of , "A Child's Garden of Verses" fame, being my first exposure ever to rhythm, rhyme & time, along with my father's mother Anna, my grandmother, who was a delightful, fun loving storyteller too, who cast the dye. It's all in the family, dreams living on...
This coming 2010 is the date slated for our first in a series of children's books to be released, we will be sure to keep everyone posted on this upcoming event. To start off there is a new blog in the wings about our books characters, of which we will be launching before the end of this year & we will keep you posted. We thank you all for your interest & support on this, as my coauthor & I are very excited to finally have the opportunity to share with the world a message of love, peace & acceptance to children of all ages, with characters we are certain will win your hearts.
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