The pup's been settling in, her dog house arrived yesterday from Omaha, Nebraska. I don't think Dolly's dared to go in it yet, though our son & his Dad placed it right in her kennel just after it's arrival. It's plastic & igloo shaped, supposedly cool in the summer & warm in the winter, time will tell.
With all the comings & goings of every one, including "us" it does get a bit emotionally exhausting, I suppose that's another reason I got the dog, for her company & loyalty & to help ease some of the constant changes that go on in any family's nest. It feels right & good this time of our life, but being an "empty nester" is not an easy exercise, to say the least.
Of all generations I suppose you could say it was ours, who were most deeply impacted by the Kennedy's; beginning with John F., his short time in office, then his sudden & tragic death, his brother Robert, another sudden, tragic death, & then the ups, downs & ups of the political career of their youngest brother Ted. Edward Kennedy proved that a man can brush himself off & come up from the shadow of his ashes & do more than survive. He did a remarkable job as a Senator all those decades, giving voice to those less fortunate & no matter a person's politics, one could not help but say, he too realized what it meant to be only human.
Edward M. Kennedy may you rest in peace.
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