The summer of course is just about at it's end. We visited with our son who returned from his music Tour earlier in the week. We still have yet to see The Bynars perform, as the dates & times have not been do able for us yet, but hopefully we will. Our other son breezed in for a late summer visit, his girlfriend joined us for a few days, it was great to share time together. Last night we joined in for our grandson's 7th Birthday mini celebration, the big party's tomorrow with cake & all that goes with it in a very big way.
The pup's been settling in, her dog house arrived yesterday from Omaha, Nebraska. I don't think Dolly's dared to go in it yet, though our son & his Dad placed it right in her kennel just after it's arrival. It's plastic & igloo shaped, supposedly cool in the summer & warm in the winter, time will tell.
With all the comings & goings of every one, including "us" it does get a bit emotionally exhausting, I suppose that's another reason I got the dog, for her company & loyalty & to help ease some of the constant changes that go on in any family's nest. It feels right & good this time of our life, but being an "empty nester" is not an easy exercise, to say the least.
Of all generations I suppose you could say it was ours, who were most deeply impacted by the Kennedy's; beginning with John F., his short time in office, then his sudden & tragic death, his brother Robert, another sudden, tragic death, & then the ups, downs & ups of the political career of their youngest brother Ted. Edward Kennedy proved that a man can brush himself off & come up from the shadow of his ashes & do more than survive. He did a remarkable job as a Senator all those decades, giving voice to those less fortunate & no matter a person's politics, one could not help but say, he too realized what it meant to be only human.
Edward M. Kennedy may you rest in peace.