Well here we are & it's still coming down, so far I've been out in it just a couple of times for my 8 month old puppy's sake, Dolly. The birds seem pretty much ok, you'd never know that they live in the 2nd most unhappiest state, [as per a study just published in the journal Science], as they've been fluttering around the feeder in their usual, colorfully large groups. My mother's in Florida for the winter & according to the "happiness study" she's enjoying herself in the 3rd happiest state, "oh my". Now New York leads as the most unhappiest state, & Illinois is listed as the 7th on the unhappiest list. Gee, these were all places where I lived & grew up. If only my parents had chosen happier states. !
Happiness is of course a "mind set", for it is essential that people have the basics: food, clothing & shelter. Proper health care & quality education are to be considered subdivisions, as they blend with the original three, that are already listed. It is only within the past few decades or so, that the areas of mental health & addictions have garnished a more balanced medical respect, by both medical professionals & the public at large. Being the states that are listed as unhappiest, probably have the larger populations & also, the unrelenting northeastern weather plays into it. We certainly can't change the weather, other than slowing down the global warming process, & we can't change how much sun will shine on this corner of the world, but we can change our "mindsets" & our "attitudes" & our "actions", & work constantly on treating one another with kindness & respect, not only during this time of the year, but for all seasons-- "Peace on Earth", why is this phrase promoted solely this time of year? The message of this phrase which beautifully stems from Christmas, is an all year teaching, & goal of this beautiful faith. If we focused on doing that, I for one can guarantee, & I'm no expert on human behavior, but I do know, that the little differences & kindness we show towards one another, can make or break an individuals day, & really who has a crystal ball for beyond....
So in closing I must add, that though I live & breath in the 2nd most unhappiest state in the U.S. , in all honesty, it's not as bad as they paint it, one day is of course better than another, & when we slip back into that "unhappiest" state, as we know there is no escape for that, we're only human, but when we do, we can do for ourselves what works, just as Sophia Loren does even now, in her 70's, our true-- "every woman", from a generation of modesty, beauty, kindness, brains, wit & talent. Her example of valuing & being thankful in life for what is good, & what has worked, & when we hit those snags, which we inevitably do, work it through & come out the other end, reminding ourselves of our intricate value & what matters. Helping others, so in tune to maintaining peace within, & "Peace on Earth", it's a proven.
* It's official: 15-18" of snow, with "snowed in", as the phrase of the day, so perfect for completing my holiday cards, as many are hand made. For me it beats baking cookies, there I saved myself thousand of calories, but there's no escape, as the sweets will beckon....