Yes, it's just about autumn, & most days the air feels fresh. The turtles in this photo reside in our National Zoo, Washington, D.C. When we saw them on Labor Day just a few days ago they seemed quite content to sun themselves in just the right spot. My fondness for turtles goes back to when I was five & had one as pet who my father named Tobey. Turtles are known for their longevity, but Tobey only lived for two years. He died from the effects of a moving day car trip when my Depression Era parents became home owners for the very first time. The move produced overwhelming feelings- one of extreme joy due to our first new home, & the other of immense sadness on the loss of my one & only ever, childhood pet.
Loosing a pet for any child can be very tragic, & so is loosing one's home. Hurricane season is upon us now & just a few days ago horrific flooding from Hurricane Harvey hit the area of Houston, Texas causing thousands to leave their homes. The additional news of individuals having lost their lives due to this terrible flooding is the worst part of this tragedy. We also have Hurricane Irma heading into Puerto Rico & other island counties with the peninsula of Florida in it's site. I can't help but wonder how we'll all get through these massive upcoming climate disasters. Turtles are intuitively wise, they pull themselves into their shells, & also burrow into the mud to remain cool & avoid all danger. One would think that because humans have bigger brains we would have better adaptation skills, at least better than turtles. Not true, not true! Not true because we are herd following creatures & don't fully access the deductive reasoning part of our brains, including the section that is capable of forward thinking techniques. Instead this beautiful country has voted it's self back into the Stone Age by electing men who were born to destroy rather than mend & heal.
The United States of course is not solely responsible for global climate change, but we are a big factor in contributing to it's cause. We are a special agent of our own destruction & qualify for this by allowing big business to override sound scientific information that could prove helpful.
My husband continually reminds me that human nature is one that is driven by an individual's self interest, which makes the thinking of the masses akin to mob rule. Ultimately taking care of planet earth is by far the best number one thing we could ever do & even those that deny know intuitively that their denials are false. Tragically the self interest selfish gene remains, which adds another diagnosis to an ever growing list of MMAs- Medical Mental Abnormalities.
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