This beautiful day called out late this morning. I can't say why, only that the sunshine had a gentle yet forceful glow. It radiated my mind's heart. The weeds are present, they are what they are. Just as I am a mix of it with my own questions, thoughts, and feelings. That's what it is after all, the thinking, the doing... One could even say What is it we do? Each question particular to it's individual thinker.
We are certainly action figures with some more sedentary than others. But think we we do, and do we do, for better and for worse. After all we're only human, and the day is still young, and I have yet some more, ongoing thoughts...
It still surprises me that the inner conflicts of the human being continues to spill over centuries upon centuries. One person upon the other, one nation upon it's neighbor. Such are the tides of time breaking upon the shoreline receding, melting, burying it's self to depths unknown.
In the midst of all this; we do, we feel, we engage, we help. For thousands of years we have walked upon this earth. What have we learned? What is our purpose? What have we left behind?
Each individual comes upon these great questions, be it in a village, a city, or atop a distant peak. Will our specie ever fully evolve beyond our reptilian brains? Will the masses of us obtain a level of consciousness of being able to
think before we
do? Will we ever be smart enough to not be duped? To not be tricked into allowing others to make poor decisions on our behalf?
When we think it through clearly the answer is simple. Our minds are open to new ways of thinking. Compassionate possibilities are doable. The horizon is clear. In healing our hearts we continue to help heal the world. It is all part of our planet's journey, it is in our hands. We are all one.
© Mother Lightning of Mother Lightning's Peace Garden
© Mother Lightning of Mother Lightning's Peace Garden