What Every Garden Needs
Yup it was like yesterday, actually many yesterday's all the way back to the Sunday of Labor Day Weekend. At least I think that was the date. .? It does tend to be a blur. My husband was all set to do a hundred mile bike ride with a friend. I on the other hand, yes I'm a cyclist too, but not of the caliber of he & his friends. They're in a cycling club together, & by the end of a season the miles they usually log on are way beyond a thousand. So when I refer to our cycling together, he & I, I refer to him as a cyclist, & myself as a bicycle rider, though I've been pedaling along on two wheels since the age of five. In all acuality that makes me a cyclist too, there it's all been explained.
The Sunday morning of summers' last holiday weekend was an iffy one weather-wise. My upcoming adventure had been brewing for some years now. As you all know one of my great passions is pretty much known just by the title of this blog. Our funky woodland Peace Garden simple that's true, but in many ways for me most serine. Last summer of course included our being able to add the main symbol of what this garden stands for with the main theme being,
swords into plowshares. When my husband shared that a client's spouce on his Meals On Wheels route was selling an old iron-mix of a manual plow it was like Santa Claus & the Tooth Fairy were blasting a homerun out of the park signed, sealed & delivered!
It was at least four years ago or more on our way to the airport in the Providence, RI area that I saw for the very first time what you can also see at the top of the page. This wonderment was to be a long time desire for a special kind of house. This was no ordinary house. A house that is intended truly for the birds-

Am still amazed everytime I look at this pic. This very compex birdhouse seems almost bigger than than the man who created it, Joe Danella. I met Joe for the very first time the day I went to pick up my house. A truly warm hearted guy, mucho talented of course & very down to earth. He wasn't feeling all to well that Sunday. At first he extended his hand to shake hands with me, but then retracted it saying, ya better not, I'm not feeling well today, one of those summer colds I always get. Don't want you to get it. He told me he started making birdhouses ? twenty- ? thirty years ago. He was in the antique business, but made a couple for himself. Much to his suprise he ended up selling both of them, Who would have thought I'd be making my living selling birdhouses, he told me, and I've been making em ever since.

Well I'll close for now. If you're interested in a beautifully unique birdhouse check out Joe Danella's link. When next I blog I'll fill ya all in on the continuation of our big birdhouse adventure. It was a lot of fun.
© Mother Lightning of Mother Lightning's Peace Garden