This little critter is from our local Stop & Shop & I just couldn't help myself the other evening; I was sitting on a bench enjoying a pause in time, & the luxuary & convience of checking, on-the-go, for emails of the day after getting a few essentials such as coffee, & herabal tea. I had a little over an hour to spare before needing to be at our Sisterhood meeting, which hosts our usual end of the year activity of preparing gift bags for our local women's shelter, but as figures right in the middle of responding to an email, I noticed her again & knew I had to take the above photo. So bong, up I bounced, silly shopper I can be, & here she is, such a cute member of Frosty's fam~
I also had two boxes of our BeadforLife shipment already loaded in my car which needed to be brought to our meeting that night so our membership would have an opportunity for some last minute BeadforLife holiday shopping.

In the photo above is our new computer friend-to-be,
Paige M. Gutenborg
Paige, is operated by Lyden of the Harvard Book Store, in Cambridge, Ma.
My co author friend Peg & I , have been trying ever so hard, for several years now to figure out a way to get our children's book published. Our friend Janet, a very talented artist, last year so wonderfully agreed to be our illustrator, but it has been most challenging for us newbies to the book publishing world to find a way to have our work published without being taken to town on expenses, but voila~ Peg, the attention to detail partner of this book writing venture has persisted, & has truly come upon a most doable way, & 2012 , God willing, will be the year that our sweet, wise, funny & most adorable characters will be released to the world.
Here's Peg, sitting with some of her most fav, garden critters, at one of the oldest & beautiful public spaces in the U.S., the Boston Common.

Getting there is always a textured, sometimes windy, but rhythmically beautiful...

From the inners of the city, to the underground stellar transportation of the T,

to the quaint New England street scapes...

to the welcoming message,

of peace, love & creative hospitality..
It's never really ever has to be prefect, as it will never be so, that much is true, but this much I do know, no matter what realm we travel in from, that
peace, love & understanding
never, ever gets old, never..

I borrowed today's title from a mini sign from a gift shop in Boston yesterday, of which I so agree,..
& how about you...
A good rhythm of busy has settled on these shores. We've been able to go out of town on various days, & much is getting done. Certainly in the way of what we are preparing for our family & friends, but most important for us anyway, staying with the message & our own personal rhythms of the season, in keeping of the harmony we know is necessary to get through not only a busy holiday time, but each & every day. Amen
© Mother Lightning of Mother Lightning's Peace Garden