Here in the Northeast weather wise it's like we've been living in a cloud. So much for the weather report, only to say, when the sun does come out, which of course so far on our mystical planet, it always has, [so far]. It reminds me just how temporary it all is & to savor each & every moment, even as we live through the bad. The sudden tragedy of Michael Jackson on a global scale, due to his talent & fame, he made himself larger than life, & he will be sadly missed. For the rest of us it's not that kind of need for adulation. Fame & notoriety of a superstar status is very confining & at times a black hole of a lonely existence. For the rest of us it's an entirely different trip, even though some of us may have been born into families that have their own divas or egocentric types, but that is a story for another time.
Today as I enjoy the rays of the sun, doing something quite ordinary, washing & dicing some celery for a potato salad, which is so good when it is homemade. I tend to have my quiet thoughts as I chop away, or reach in for the spices that are a must for me beyond the usual salt & pepper. Celery salt & lemon pepper give my potato salad just the right zip, & since I'm literally a child of the '60's-- the first of the "tv nation", I will confidently say-- "Try it, you'll like it.", with no need of applause, ratings or reviews from tv land.
As a child of the '60's these are times of reminiscing. Some of us may have been fortunate enough to have been in touch with childhood friends our whole lives. For me that hadn't been the case as I moved around a lot, [but recently this past year I have been in touch with childhood friends], by the time my husband & I became parents we chose to move away from former stomping grounds of our youth, setting forth on a fresh path in our journey together for our family. We were & still are a very small part of that "back to the land movement". We are so very Blessed to be living in an area totally surrounded by Mother Nature's Grace. Within this beautiful environment which fortunately included excellent public schools, & good health care, it is the down to earth kindness of the people, generous of heart & inclusion that has kept me a happy child of the green forest. As I've said before I am by no means a Pollyanna in any way, & I too have encountered my fair share of individuals who have been less than nice, even in our neck of the woods, what you could consider to be the bullying types, but they are few & far between & once I work it through, become re centered & remind myself that an individual who had acted in a way that was disrespectful, less than nice, it was probably due to the fact that they were still a victim of their childhood & though when times like that have arisen, it became necessary for me to let them know that the doormat was not out, yet to continue to treat the other with respect at all times. The bullying always subsided, & in many cases resolved in a positive outcome.
The aspect in life that I have found to be the most challenging, especially as I've entered this new decade is when people I love & care about become ill, or are faced with serious & challenging medical, or other life changing dilemmas. It is most difficult because those are the times we are reminded that ultimately we have no control. For if necessary we can stand up to a bully in a forthright way without loosing ourselves in the bile & the mud, but when the people we care about, those that have rooted us to this time & place are faced with serious situations, all we can ever do is continue to nurture, support that growth, love, respect, accept & know that truly we never walk alone, no matter what faith we may or may not have been brought up in. The line from the song we sang during my high school graduation rings true, a Broadway tune, from "The Sound of Music"-- "you never walk alone", no matter the storm. Our lives & the people we care about & love are a blessing. As we continue to go forth into time we will, all of us continue to support & be there for one another, in our actions, deeds & intentions. "To be or not to be, that is the question?" My reply continues to be from a '60's soundtrack, or a Broadway song, you have to listen very carefully. Can you hear it....
To the special people in my life, the challenging times you are facing, of which face you, please know-- love & support, is always there. The soundtrack now is Carol King & James Taylor, they each sing so sweetly, "you've got a friend". A true, true song, it's never dated.