Valentine's Day '08 has also come & gone. During that week I set aside some time to bake & share with those near, dear & far away-- my grandmother's --on my father's side, her ruggles which I've recently renamed- "Grandma Anna's Newly Twisted Coney Island Rugula". I will be sharing this recipe & the how's & whys of this project at a future entry to come.
Since my last note there have been a few issues that have weighed heavily on my mind, that too I will eventually share, for as much as we all live our private lives with our own thoughts & deeds there are some aspects of our human condition that are of the commonality--- at times referred to as the "collective consciousness". Just learning the term "collective consciousness" some 20 years ago during a child development course, definitely had a liberating effect on my thinking mind. Yes we are unique in this world-- yet we also have sooo very much in common with one another. We all thrive in what is positive & good, & wither without the basics. Humankind will never live by bread alone, no matter how tasty, how sweet. Why else would we blog, write plays, books, movies, poetry, songs & prayers of comfort & hope. Our "collective consciousness" knows the answers to that of which we continue to explore. No matter the faith or non faith we were brought up in, the commonality of us all will forever remain, and as the years go by--"newly twisted" is nothing more than that-- a different take on what was old & has become renewed. Again I end with the word--Ahava, which is hebrew for love.