This note is from my brother & sister in law's home out in the country. It's my husband's landmark Birthday today so I accompanied him for the basketball game viewing of the women's UCONN Huskies of which my family are fans. They are fans of the men's team too, but for the past several seasons they haven't been doing as well as the gals. It's refreshing to see that women finally have equal opportunities in college sports-- such a long time coming, & not from the kindness of any one's heart either, it had to be mandated by law-- all connected to the $funding of the various sports programs, the good results of our government at work.
This past week had been a bit challenging, probably from that down time after all the holidays & birthday celebrations that get celebrated. So very much to do, all jammed together one after another beginning at Thanksgiving till now. I wrote an essay last week & may or may not post it, am undecided. It's one of those stories that if I didn't live through it I truly couldn't have made it up. Time will tell. I did share it with a dear friend & she liked it, though it still needs better clarification in it's ending. I'm extremely fortunate to have special & dear friends of whom we can share our deepest thoughts, feelings & reactions in regards to our collective human experiences. Some of us though most sturdy, posses delicate feelings on matters near & dear to us. It's just the way some of us are made, we are sensitive & soulful, yet feel strongly & passionately on certain matters. Matters that are impossible for us to ignore, should not ignore. "To be or not to be...", that is always the question.
When we were growing up in the 60's most of us had a sense of hope & possibility, it was this sense of hope I believe that led us to strongly oppose the war in Viet Nam, for we were raised with a strong sense of justice of what is right & what is wrong. Here it is 40+ years later & with this war- [mankind seems to always find a reason to make war], standing at the Peace Corner in our town, though not Thornton Wilder's "Our Town" nonetheless a town with all the elements of any town USA, of which I will comment on at a future time. We have the positives & the negatives of course, the kind hearted, & the ones that disregard others due to power seeking, all the elements of any good play or novella. For this new year I've been reading up on some of my favorites- Dr. Seuses's "The Lorax" and Henry David Thoreau's "Walden". That's just a bit of where my head's been at, with comments to eventually follow.
Ahava, & wishing you peace.