Monday, December 31, 2007

From Our Neck of the Woods to Yours an Evolutionary Process

Hello World, Welcome*!

It has been said---"A picture is worth a thousand words." For decades I have been actively working for Peace-- As a young student I began dating this wonderful guy. We married during a turbulent time of our U.S. history, it was 1970. In '73 we became parents, here I was a new Mom-- some 34 years ago. Since then our family has grown & we have 3 sons, a daughter-in-law, a grandson & a granddaughter. Our backgrounds are varied, as my husband was a veteran when we first married, & has since retired from his 9-5 job out in the private sector. I do art & work part time as a nurse. We are both Peace Activists in our community, doing our best to shine a light of hope, care & concern for our children, grand children & the next generations.

We stand & pray for peace from our neck of the woods to yours.

As this year comes to an end & as the new year unfolds I will be sharing visions of Peace & Hope for all seasons. Let us respect & honor ourselves within so we may reach out & help to Heal the World.

* Amen *